The Kozuki Family is a family residing in Wano Country who are friends with the people of the Mokomo Dukedom. The family has existed for centuries and invented the Poneglyphs. The crest of the Kozuki Family depicts some sort of bird with a glowing orb in its chest and spread wings. Around the bird figure, there is a circle with four sprout-like symbols coming from it at each ordinal direction.
Retainers and other servants of the Kozuki Family have this crest tattooed in their bodies in order to allow recognition. The crest can also be found in locations affiliated with the family. So far, the only confirmed members of this family is its late patriarch, the daimyo of Kuri Kozuki Oden, and his son and heir Kozuki Momonosuke.
The clan has five known retainers, three from Wano Country Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Raizo and two from Mokomo Dukedom Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. All of them bear the Kozuki Family crest on their bodies as a way of identification. 800 years ago, the Kozuki Family invented the poneglyphs.
According to Nekomamushi, the Kozuki Family has been friends with the people of the Mokomo Dukedom for a very long time.
Kozuki Oden sacrificed himself to allow his son Momonosuke and his retainers Kin'emon, Kanjuro, and Raizo to escape from Wano Country, and he was executed by Kaido, thus ending the family's knowledge of how to read the text on the poneglyphs.
Momonosuke and the retainers traveled to Zou, and Kin'emon pretended to be his father in order to avoid drawing attention, but were shipwrecked, which caused Raizo to be separated from them. They ended up on Dressrosa, where they were chased by the guards. Momonosuke stowed away on a ship heading for Punk Hazard, and Kanjuro sacrificed himself in order to allow Kin'emon to head for Punk Hazard.
Momonosuke was kept in Caesar Clown's facility on Punk Hazard with other children he was experimenting on. Momonosuke ate Vegapunk's Artificial Devil Fruit out of hunger and ended up in the garbage dump after being chased by the guards.
Raizo managed to reach Zou and during Jack's search for him, the Mink Tribe kept Raizo hidden despite the destruction Jack was causing.
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