Tuesday 8 March 2016


The Yonko are the four most notorious and most powerful pirate captains in the world, but are neither allies nor enemies of one another, preferring to remain autonomous under most circumstances. These four individually reside within the second half of the Grand Line (known as the "New World"), exerting impressive influence and control over dozens of other pirate crews and self-governing islands. In the decisive Battle of Marineford, Whitebeard, one of the Yonko, met his end towards the climax of the Whitebeard War. Blackbeard, his killer, subsequently usurped his position. Shanks, another member of the Yonko, arbitrated a ceasefire to end the aforementioned war. The Gorosei postulated that Blackbeard was the pirate closest to becoming the next Yonko, due to his possession of two Devil Fruit abilities and having complete knowledge about Newgate's sphere of influence. After the death of Whitebeard, Big Mom took over as the protector of Fishman Island in exchange for a large amount of candy every month.

Teach also usurped Whitebeard's position as the fourth Yonko as the Gorosei predicted, having managed to conquer most of Whitebeard's former territory and becoming stronger by hunting down powerful Devil Fruit users and taking their abilities after killing them. Kaido and the shogun of Wano Country executed Kozuki Oden and pursued his son and retainers in order to find out a secret about Raftel. It is revealed during a meeting between Sakazuki and the Gorosei that Kuzan has become associated with the Blackbeard Pirates. Kid's alliance eat as they discuss the news that since Doflamingo is tied to Kaido, the Luffy and Law alliance must be after him. As the crews celebrate the news, Killer states that their target is Shanks. Upon Doflamingo's defeat, Kaido's subordinates were seen trying to inform him of the destruction of the SMILE Factory and the end of his professional agreement with the Donquixote Pirates since they were arrested. Kid Alliance facing Kaido Kaido appearing at the Kid Pirates' hideout. Kaido went up to the Ballon Terminal, where he encountered Urouge, who learned of his intention to commit suicide and let him proceed. After jumping 10,000 meters below on the Kid Pirates' base, he came out of the hole unharmed and faces off against Kid, Apoo, and Hawkins. He starts yelling for Doflamingo to make preparations for battle and promises to start a massive war since he became bored with the world. Big Mom arranged with the leader of the Vinsmoke Family to marry his third son, Sanji, with her 35th daughter, Purin, and ordered her crew to apprehend Sanji.

Beasts Pirates

The Beasts Pirates are a pirate crew ruling in the New World, led by the Yonko Kaido. They are currently in Wano Country and are the central antagonist group of the Pirate Alliance Saga. At some point in the past, Kaido formed the Beasts Pirates. Within the last twelve years, Kaido and his crew defeated Moriah and killed his entire crew. Sometime within the last four years, they formed an alliance with Donquixote Doflamingo and Caesar Clown in order to gain an army of artificial Zoan Devil Fruit users.

Upon hearing that the Whitebeard Pirates were headed to Marineford, the Beasts Pirates tried to intercept them so their captain could kill Whitebeard. However, they were stopped by the Red Hair Pirates. After the Battle of Marineford, X Drake docked at one of Kaido's islands. When Scotch confronted him, Drake asked him if Kaido would be angry if he were to be attacked, which Scotch confirmed, prompting Drake to transform into a dinosaur and attack him. Sometime after this, Drake began serving under Kaido. At some point during or shortly after the timeskip, the Beasts Pirates started occupying Wano Country, killing the daimyo of Kuri, Kozuki Oden with the aid of the shogun of Wano. Oden's son, Kozuki Momonosuke, alongside three of his retainers, Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Raizo, fled the country sometime after this, looking for assistance at Zou from two other retainers, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. Meanwhile, Kaido attempted suicide by jumping off a Sky Island and landed on the Kid Pirates' base. However, he survived the fall and prepared to have Doflamingo help him start the greatest war in the world.[24] A few days later, Jack attacked the Marine convoy that was escorting Doflamingo. Though he succeeded in sinking two of the ships, Jack was eventually brought down and reported as dead, though his body was not found. Zou Arc Jack survived the battle and recovered from his wounds on the Mammoth, which was surrounded by other Beasts Pirates ships

Void Century

The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. These events occurred 800 to 900 years before the current storyline. It was hinted at during the Skypiea arc; the dates were seen in Robin's flashback. This period became known as the Void Century because there is nothing left to acknowledge anything that happened in it, aside from the poneglyphs which are written in a language that few know how to read.

However, it causes a problem with the known histories of the world as nothing ties up because of that missing period. Though many seem to know there is a gap in the historical record, virtually everyone is unaware that filling in this gap is possible. For example, Nefertari Cobra, after being told by Nico Robin about this missing period, was completely shocked that a way to "tie the threads of history together" existed. The fact that filling the gap is possible was proven when "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh revealed that the Roger Pirates discovered the true history. 800 years ago, at the end of the Void Century, the World Government was born and took political control of the entire world, uniting all countries and forming the Council of Kings. For the World Government, the events of the Void Century were better left unknown as information linked to it is considered far too dangerous. When the research of the Poneglyphs was outlawed, hundreds of scholars across the world were killed. Since then, a ban on any research related to the Void Century has been put in place. At the end of the Void Century, the 20 kingdoms came together to defeat the Ancient Kingdom and then founded what is now known as the World Government. The exact process of how it was founded and how they covered up the 100 year gap remains unknown.

Ancient Weapons

The Ancient Weapons are three weapons capable of mass destruction, each taking a different form. They are known as Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus, each named after a deity for their godly powers. The weapons are not limited only to inanimate objects, but consist of living beings as well. The Ancient Weapons are the argument used by the World Government to forbid research of the Void Century, since they fear that knowledge of the weapons could result in a global war. However, this has not stopped members of the World Government, most notably Spandam and former Shichibukai Crocodile, from attempting to gain one of the weapons for themselves. Even without knowledge of the missing years, their power has been known to entice casual observers (as was the case with Vander Decken IX's interest in Shirahoshi, otherwise known as the Ancient Weapon Poseidon).

Pluton - While Pluton has yet to appear in the story, it has been referred to as an ancient ship capable of massive damage and destruction. It was built on the island of Water 7 sometime during the Void Century, and the shipwrights kept the blueprints as a safety measure, in the event that Pluton fell into the wrong hands; fortunately, the ship was lost to history before that could happen. The blueprints were passed down through the generations, and ten years prior to the main storyline were held by the Fishman carpenter, Tom, of Tom's Workers. At this point, Spandam sought him out in order to acquire the blueprints so that they could use Pluton to put an end to the Great Pirate Era (in reality, it was to overthrow the World Government). Tom denied the request, and shortly afterwards handed them down to his apprentice Iceburg, who passed them on to Tom's other apprentice Cutty Flam, otherwise known as Franky, five years later in order to better hide them. When Franky was captured by the World Government, he kept the blueprints hidden within his own body until he understood that Nico Robin, the only living person who could read the Poneglyphs and subsequently revive the Ancient Weapons, had no intention of doing so or using that power to destroy the world; he subsequently burned the blueprints. While the exact whereabouts of Pluton remain unknown, the Alabasta Poneglyph contains information on its location.

Poseidon -  Poseidon was first mentioned when Nico Robin read the Poneglyph on Skypiea. However, details of the weapon were not delved into until much later, when she reached Fishman Island. Poseidon was a Mermaid Princess who lived in the Void Century that had the power to talk to Sea Kings, enormous sea creatures capable of mass destruction. Princess Shirahoshi also has this power, and as stated in a conversation between Neptune and Robin, she has now inherited the title "Poseidon".

Uranus Nothing is currently known about Uranus, except for its name. Given the nature of Pluton and Poseidon, Uranus could easily be an animate or inanimate object.

Each of the Ancient Weapons is named after a Greco-Roman god affiliated with the earth, sea, and sky respectively: Pluto ruled the underworld, which was believed to be underground and all mineral wealth within the earth belonged to him; Poseidon was the ruler of the sea; and Uranus was the personification of the sky. The Marines' trump card, the Dyna Stone, is said to be a weapon with power on par with the Ancient Weapons.


Raftel is the island at the end of the Grand Line which supposedly holds the treasure One Piece. There are four poneglyphs known as Road Poneglyphs that, when read together, lead to four islands which, if aligned, will lead to Raftel's location. One of these is located on Zou, one is at an unknown location, and the last two are each controlled by the Yonko Kaido and Charlotte Linlin.

Little has been seen of the island, but its shore appears to be composed of steep cliffs with large amounts of wilderness, though there are some objects that appear to be shaped like buildings. It is said that upon reaching Raftel, if one has taken with them along their journey the passages of the poneglyphs, then the Rio Poneglyph will finally be revealed. Furthermore, the Road Poneglyphs, a set of four special red poneglyphs, each reveal a point on a map of the world once read. When all four points are deciphered, it becomes possible to discern the place at the center of these points where they all intersect, and the true path to Raftel will be made known. Gol D. Roger and his crew are the only known people to have reached the island. Roger offered Whitebeard the information on how to get to Raftel, but Whitebeard declined because of his own dreams of achieving a "family" of crew members instead of reaching One Piece.

Kozuki Family

The Kozuki Family is a family residing in Wano Country who are friends with the people of the Mokomo Dukedom. The family has existed for centuries and invented the Poneglyphs. The crest of the Kozuki Family depicts some sort of bird with a glowing orb in its chest and spread wings. Around the bird figure, there is a circle with four sprout-like symbols coming from it at each ordinal direction. Retainers and other servants of the Kozuki Family have this crest tattooed in their bodies in order to allow recognition. The crest can also be found in locations affiliated with the family. So far, the only confirmed members of this family is its late patriarch, the daimyo of Kuri Kozuki Oden, and his son and heir Kozuki Momonosuke.

 The clan has five known retainers, three from Wano Country  Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Raizo and two from Mokomo Dukedom  Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. All of them bear the Kozuki Family crest on their bodies as a way of identification. 800 years ago, the Kozuki Family invented the poneglyphs. According to Nekomamushi, the Kozuki Family has been friends with the people of the Mokomo Dukedom for a very long time. Kozuki Oden sacrificed himself to allow his son Momonosuke and his retainers Kin'emon, Kanjuro, and Raizo to escape from Wano Country, and he was executed by Kaido, thus ending the family's knowledge of how to read the text on the poneglyphs. Momonosuke and the retainers traveled to Zou, and Kin'emon pretended to be his father in order to avoid drawing attention, but were shipwrecked, which caused Raizo to be separated from them. They ended up on Dressrosa, where they were chased by the guards. Momonosuke stowed away on a ship heading for Punk Hazard, and Kanjuro sacrificed himself in order to allow Kin'emon to head for Punk Hazard. Momonosuke was kept in Caesar Clown's facility on Punk Hazard with other children he was experimenting on. Momonosuke ate Vegapunk's Artificial Devil Fruit out of hunger and ended up in the garbage dump after being chased by the guards. Raizo managed to reach Zou and during Jack's search for him, the Mink Tribe kept Raizo hidden despite the destruction Jack was causing.


Poneglyphs are mysterious stone blocks with history inscribed on them in the form of strange letters. They are scattered among the islands of the world, and it is said the only person left in the world who can read them is Nico Robin. Poneglyphs are massive blocks made of an indestructible type of stone. They have text carved on them, written in an ancient language. There are a total of three types of poneglyphs within the series; Historical, Instructional and Road Poneglyphs.

"Historical Poneglyphs" reveal pieces of ancient history as well as messages written by ancient people. "Instructional Poneglyphs" contain instructions and/or clues about the locations of Historical Poneglyphs and Ancient Weapons. Both Historical and Instructional Poneglyphs are of a dark blue color. The third and last type of poneglyph is the "Road Poneglyph"  which gives away a location that, when pieced together with the locations given by the other Road Poneglyphs, allows one to find the path to Raftel. Those poneglyphs are of a deep red color and there are only a total of four of them. Aside from the poneglyphs, there are also other stones that, while not being poneglyphs themselves, contain the same ancient language found on the poneglyphs, such as certain walls in the ruins of the ancient city of Shandora. 800 years ago, in the Wano Country, a clan of stonemasons known as the Kozuki Family invented indestructible stone blocks with the purpose of carving important, ancient text on them in order to record history while also preventing it from being destroyed. Those stone blocks would then become the poneglyphs. The stones were written to preserve the events of the Void Century. After the Void Century ended, the stones were left in the guardianship of the ancients' descendants, who guard them from people who seek to destroy them. The World Government, in an attempt to cover up the previous 100 years made it a global crime to research and decipher poneglyphs. However, this did not stop others from gaining possession of poneglyph knowledge, taking to applying paper to the stones and creating surface transfers of their cryptic language in the hope someone would know how to read it, or stealing the stones themselves and holding possession of them to oneself to gain superiority over those looking for them.